Employee dishonesty will always be increased when you include the motive of money and health related benefits.


SOLVED provides businesses and corporations with the expertise and confidentiality to help determine the truth about a suspicious work related injury claim.  Increases in worker compensation claims have triggered insurance premiums to new high levels.


Employees are becoming more educated on the financial distinction between their employer and the employer’s worker compensation insurance policy. Employees are more deliberate with their false claims because they realize that the claim and monetary awards won’t come from their employer, and perceive the claim as not battling their own employer, but rather the worker compensation insurance company itself.


This theory in most part is true to a point, but what the dishonest employee doesn’t understand is how much the premium is affected when dishonest claims are filed, and more importantly that the actual increased overhead premiums are in fact coming from the employer. Dishonest employees also fail to realize, or care, is that when premiums increase, the financial burdens added to any company are usually applied onto the honest hard working employees that are denied raises or overtime opportunities.  


Every case is different, but if our team of investigators has the right information from then start, the time necessary to successfully investigate a fraudulent claim can be dramatically decreased. Putting an end to each false injury claim can save a company thousands of dollars over a long term, while restoring honesty and accountability throughout the organization.


Please contact our office with additional questions related to suspicious workplace injury claims. The truth will always be found in the evidence.